7 Common Trigger Foods for COPD

7 Common Trigger Foods for COPD

COPD refers to a respiratory condition that causes irreversible lung damage. The condition is progressive by nature and cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be managed by identifying and avoiding the food triggers for COPD and incorporating a few lifestyle changes. Dietary changes are known to alleviate the symptoms, and exercising can help patients breathe better.

Here are a few trigger foods to avoid for COPD patients as part of the dietary tips:

  1. Fried foods
    This is, perhaps, the worst food group for people with COPD, as greasy food is difficult to digest and fats take longer to break down, causing bloating. This makes it harder to breathe as the diaphragm hurts due to excess gas produced during digestion. It is also high in calories and causes abdominal fat storage, exerting pressure on the diaphragm. Foods like fresh fries, fried chicken and fish, and jalapeno poppers are among the top food triggers for COPD.
  2. Carbonated drinks
    These are aerated with carbon dioxide, loaded with sugar and empty calories, and cause unwanted weight gain. They also contain artificial preservatives, flavors, and coloring that are harmful to people with COPD. Even sparkling wine or sodas are carbonated beverages that cause dehydration, so it’s best to drink water when thirsty.
  3. Excess salt
    Too much salt intake causes water retention or edema, which exerts pressure on the diaphragm. As a result, COPD patients find it difficult to breathe normally. Instead of salt, one can switch to using spices and herbs to add flavor to their meals.
  4. Dairy products
    Although milk is touted to be a superfood and is an excellent source of proteins, calcium, and vitamins, it has casomorphin, a chemical that increases mucus production. The excess phlegm must be eliminated from the body through coughing, but this may lead to wheezing in COPD patients. Yogurt, ice cream, butter, buttermilk, and cheese are some other trigger foods to avoid for COPD patients.
  5. Cruciferous vegetables
    While these provide many health benefits, the extra fiber in cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, or kale can cause indigestion, gas, and bloating in COPD patients, resulting in breathing difficulty. So, it is advisable to cut down on the intake of cruciferous vegetables to manage the symptoms.
  6. Cold cuts/cured meats
    These contain preservatives or nitrates for extending their shelf life. While nitrates are harmful to everyone, they are especially bad for COPD patients, so it’s best to stay away from hot dogs, bacon, ham, and such meats.
  7. Acidic foods
    People with COPD may have breathing issues because of acid reflux, which is brought on by the consumption of too many acidic foods or drinks. The esophagus has a muscle ring at its end that must close properly after food travels to the stomach; if it fails to do so or opens too often, the stomach acid tends to flow back into the esophagus, causing heartburn. So, citrus fruits, tomato sauce, spicy foods, and coffee are among the other trigger foods to avoid for managing COPD.