8 Fibrous Snack Options for Managing IBS

8 Fibrous Snack Options for Managing IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, short for IBS, causes symptoms that are not observant in many patients. When the symptoms do occur, they include abdominal pain, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea. While the condition cannot be cured, changes in lifestyle and dietary habits can help manage the symptoms. Including adequate fiber in the diet can help relieve constipation, so here are a few high-fiber snacks for managing IBS.

  1. Vegetable snacks
    Vegetables like green beans, carrots, spinach, yam, and sweet potato are good for patients with IBS as they have high fiber content. One can make innovative snacks with vegetables. For example, sliced and baked sweet potato chips can be enjoyed with a dip. Alternatively, one can blend cooked spinach with a little bit of salt and herbs. Then, one can use this mixture to make a spinach sandwich.
  2. Pasta
    Pasta also has fiber, so one can have the normal mac and cheese or cook pasta with finely chopped vegetables for a high-fiber snack for managing IBS symptoms.
  3. Bananas
    Bananas are a good snack item for people with IBS. Plus, it’s versatile enough that it can be made into a variety of snacks like smoothies, chips, and drinks with Greek yogurt. Not only is it delicious in all forms, but it aids in reducing the symptoms of the disease.
  4. Chickpeas
    Chickpeas are the next food item recommended for IBS patients. One can just add boiled chickpeas to their salad, roast them to enjoy a crunchy munchie, or make a hummus dip for chips and crackers.
  5. Lentils
    Lentils or pulses can be eaten as high-fiber snacks for managing IBS, and they also keep one feeling full for longer, which prevents overeating. One can opt for canned lentils, but it’s advisable to rinse them well before consumption. Also, they have a good quantity of proteins, which is beneficial for overall health.
  6. Oatmeal
    Oatmeal is known for its soluble fiber content and is a healthy yet tasty snack option. One can have oatmeal at any time of the day, and the addition of a variety of chopped fruits makes it all the more delicious. It is also easy and quick to put together.
  7. Nuts
    One can keep nuts handy to snack on in between meals. Peanuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are just a few examples of the variety of nuts one can choose from. An added advantage of this high-fiber snack option for IBS patients is that they are dry and easy to carry along on a trip or simply on the way to work.
  8. Peanut butter spread
    Peanut butter spread is a high-fiber, high-protein ingredient one can use in their sandwiches. It’s no surprise that it makes for a great addition to sandwiches, and it also helps manage IBS symptoms.