8 Foods to Avoid for People with Respiratory Issues

8 Foods to Avoid for People with Respiratory Issues

The consumption of certain foods can worsen the symptoms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or any other issues of the lungs. Some of these foods are loaded with essential nutrients but are unsuitable for people with respiratory conditions, while some others are downright bad for overall health and can also trigger or worsen any existing breathing issues.

  1. Cured meats
    Foods like hot dogs, bacon, cold cuts, and other processed meats contain high doses of nitrates, and these preservatives interfere with lung function and trigger breathing problems. Heavy consumption of these meats increases the risk of worsening COPD symptoms significantly. The high salt content and fluid retention can damage the lung tissues and elevate one’s risk of developing chronic breathing issues.
  2. Cruciferous vegetables
    Cruciferous vegetables generally make for good dietary choices and provide several health benefits, but vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, and arugula have high doses of fiber that promote indigestion and bloating due to the high volumes of gas generated. These symptoms cause difficulty breathing and worsen COPD and other respiratory symptoms.
  3. Alcohol
    It’s probably one of the worst things that worsens breathing issues in COPD patients. Sulfated red wine, cocktails loaded with high calories, and beer can cause inflammation of the lungs, and gassy and carbonated beverages can also cause bloating, tightening of the chest, and severe discomfort. Plus, alcohol significantly contributes to dehydration and damages the lung lining, worsening breathing issues.
  4. Dairy products
    Milk is considered a complete food, but it produces high doses of casomorphin during breakdown. This product increases mucus production in the intestines and causes flare-ups that can cause or aggravate lung disease. The high fat content in cheese, yogurt, and other high-calorie dairy products contributes to lung disease and breathing issues.
  5. Fried foods
    Fried foods have unhealthy fats that increase the risk of lung and even heart disease. They are known to cause bloating, gas, and discomfort that push the diaphragm, and the resultant pressure on the lungs makes it difficult to breathe.
  6. Excessive salt
    While a small dose of iodized salt is essential to maintain a healthy sodium balance in the body, excessive salt consumption leads to water retention. This condition puts additional pressure on the diaphragm, making breathing difficult. One can reduce their salt consumption and switch to using herbs and spices to flavor their food.
  7. Aerated drinks
    This category includes any beverage aerated with carbon dioxide and including artificial preservatives, sweeteners, and colors. All these ingredients are harmful to overall health and cause extreme breathing difficulty. These drinks put excessive pressure on the middle of the torso, which affects easy breathing. Additionally, the sugar content has no nutritional value and only worsens the COPD symptoms.
  8. Acidic foods and drinks
    The consumption of acidic foods and drinks causes heartburn due to acid reflux, and people with lung disease experience obstructed breathing. Acid reflux aggravates respiratory symptoms, so it’s best to avoid foods like tomato sauce, coffee, citrus fruits, and spicy foods.