Foods That May Cause Cancer

Foods That May Cause Cancer

Your chances of developing cancer are primarily influenced by your genetics and lifestyle. There is nothing that you can do about your genetics, and there are many kinds of cancer, including gist desmoid, adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML), breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, and more. However, you can take recommended medications like inlyta, zepzelca, relugolix, imfinzi, erleada, xtandi, avastin, kyprolis, ayvakit, gilteritnib, and tukysa prescribed by your doctor or adopt certain lifestyle changes that can help in cancer prevention. For instance, there are certain foods and drinks that are associated with increased chances of developing cancer, such as:

1. Processed and cured meat

Processed meat includes sausage, hot dogs, meat jerky and cold cuts. You should limit your intake of these foods because they can increase the risk of cancer. Experts believe that the reason that this meat can increase the risk of cancer is because carcinogens are formed when meat is cooked at a high temperature. There are many substitutes available. For example, you can have salmon, tuna or hummus.

2. Sugary drinks or non-diet soda

There are several ways that sugar can increase your risk of cancer. Sugar has a tendency to feed the cancerous cells in your body. You are also more likely to gain weight if you consume too much sugar. It is a good idea for you to check the labels before you buy anything. You should also look out for hidden sugar, such as fructose. When many people think about sugar, they only think about cakes, cookies and pies. However, it is important for you to be mindful of the amount of sugar that you consume in your drinks. Sugary drinks and sodas are just as bad as sugary foods.

3. Red meat

Red meat includes things like goat, venison, pork and veal. You don’t have to avoid those foods completely. However, you will need to limit your intake of them. One study showed that people who eat this meat are 28 percent more likely to develop colon cancer. Heterocyclic amines are produced when meat is cooked at a high temperature which can increase the risk of cancer.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, throat cancer and stomach cancer. The more alcoholic beverages you consume, the higher your risk of cancer will be.

5. Fast or processed foods

Fast food is a staple part of many people’s diets. It is easy for you to over-indulge on fast food if you are busy. However, you will need to avoid fast food and processed food as much as possible. Fast foods tend to be high in sugar and sodium. Processed food, which is food that comes in a can or package, is also high in sodium. Furthermore, processed food and fast food tend to be low in the nutrients that you need to stay healthy. That is why it is best for you to eat as much fresh food as you can.