Foods to Help Prevent Cold and Flu

Foods to Help Prevent Cold and Flu

As the cold and flu season approaches, everyone fears that they might fall victim to the virus. They try to stay healthy and consistently wash their hands during the season. A good way of preventing this respiratory tract infection is by getting a seasonal vaccine each year.

The symptoms of cold and flu are high fever, running nose, chills, body aches, sore throat, and cough. Some of the food you consume can help to prevent the illness. Here are five foods that can prevent cold and flu:

1. Add lemons to your water

Lemons are rich in vitamin c, a water-soluble vitamin with anti-bacterial properties that boost the immune system. Also, they have potassium minerals that help in the regulation of blood pressure and allow the kidney to function properly. The kidney helps in eliminating waste matters from the blood. Thus, adding this plant’s juice into your water can boost your respiratory and immune system’s functionality, which can help to fight off cold or flu.

2. Consume chicken soup

Chicken soup is rich in vitamin A and C, which can boost your immune system and fight viruses. Also, it contains proteins that provide amino acids, which are vital for building antibodies. Carnosine, a compound found in the soup, reduces inflammation for cold and flu, thus, giving some symptoms relief. Also, this soup helps to reduce the congestion in the nose. Consuming it when hot can help to speed up mucous movement and increase blood flow.

3. Add garlic to your food

Garlic is a food ingredient that has medicinal properties. It contains allicin compounds that have antimicrobial properties. They help in boosting the immune system. Also, these compounds help in increasing the response of white blood cells when they encounter the virus. Thus, this onion species is good for preventing cold and flu. Apart from this, it contains nutrients that promote healing and prevents infection. Consuming it while raw and cooked can have an impact in preventing cold and flu. The antiviral and antibacterial properties present in this plant are vital as they protect against viruses.

4. Consume ginger

Ginger has a great history as an herbal medicinal plant. It is a root plant that helps to prevent cold and flu. Its gingerols and shogaols compounds give it a medicinal property. This herbal plant has antiviral effects that help to fight against respiratory viruses. Also, it helps to stimulate the immune system. The anti-inflammation activity in this plant helps to boost the immune system, which can kill viruses. This herbal plant can be consumed by eating its raw roots, adding it to your recipes, juices, smoothies, and to hot beverages.

5. Consume citrus

Eating fruits that are rich in vitamin C can protect you from a common cold and flu. Vitamin C acts by boosting your immune system, which reduces the severity of cold and flu and shortens the duration of the virus. Consuming citrus fruits is a good way of having sufficient vitamin C. It is good to eat plenty of these fruits without having worries about overdosing. Since vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, the body can’t store it.

Cold and flu can occur in any season and can affect both adults and children. Thankful to the body’s immune system that helps to destroy the virus that can lead to cold and flu. Nevertheless, if your immune system becomes weak, it fails to fight the aggressive virus and you can eventually become ill. That’s why it is good to pay attention to the food that can help to boost the immune system and prevent this respiratory tract infection.