Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

Breathing is something that is supposed to come easy and does not require a lot of effort. However, there are millions of people who suffer from breathing problems. COPD and asthma are two of the lung conditions that can cause breathing. It is important to consult with your doctor in order to find the appropriate treatment, whether that’s Stiolto (inhalation spray), Respimat (inhaler), or another treatment type. You may also need to change your diet. There are many foods that can cause you to experience breathing issues:

1. Acidic foods and drinks

Your esophagus has a valve at the end of it. This valve is designed to seal so that the acid from your stomach does not go up into your throat. However, if the valve does not close properly, then you can suffer from an acid reflux. Your lung issues will increase if you have acid reflux. That is why it is important to avoid spicy foods, coffee, fruit juice and citrus.

2. Carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages can cause you to gain weight and feel bloated. This bloating and extra weight can put extra pressure on your lungs. These beverages aren’t healthy either because they are filled with empty calories and sugar. Sparkling wine, sparkling cider, beer and sodas are examples of carbonated drinks.

3. Cold cuts and cured meats

Cured meats, such as hotdogs, ham, bacon and cold cuts contain nitrates. The nitrates are added to the food in order to help them last longer. Studies have shown that people who eat nitrates are more likely to end up hospitalized for COPD. Nitrates can cause changes in the hemoglobin. The hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout your body. That is why your body may not have enough oxygen to function properly.

4. Dairy products

Dairy products can be good for you. However, if you have breathing issues, they may get worse. Dairy has casomorphin, which has been shown to increase mucus in the lungs. There are also many people who have a dairy intolerance. That is why you will be more likely to experience gas and bloating after you eat dairy, which can worsen breathing problems. If you are already producing mucus, then the dairy can cause the phlegm to thicken.

5. Foods high in sodium and excessive salt

It is okay for you to put a pinch of salt in your food while you are cooking. However, if you follow a salt-heavy diet, then you will be more likely to develop breathing issues. Existing breathing problems can also get worse. Salt causes the body to retain water. The excess water will put extra pressure on your lungs. There are several ways that you can reduce the amount of salt that you consume. For example, you can use herbs and spices in order to season your food. You will also need to reduce the amount of processed food that you consume.