8 Fibrous Snack Options for Managing IBS

8 Fibrous Snack Options for Managing IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, short for IBS, causes symptoms that are not observant in many patients. When the symptoms do occur, they include abdominal pain, stomach cramps, gas, bloating, and constipation or diarrhea. While the condition cannot be cured, changes in lifestyle and dietary habits can help manage the symptoms. Including adequate fiber in the diet can help relieve constipation, so here are a few high-fiber snacks for managing IBS. Vegetable snacks Vegetables like green beans, carrots, spinach, yam, and sweet potato are good for patients with IBS as they have high fiber content. One can make innovative snacks with vegetables. For example, sliced and baked sweet potato chips can be enjoyed with a dip. Alternatively, one can blend cooked spinach with a little bit of salt and herbs. Then, one can use this mixture to make a spinach sandwich. Pasta Pasta also has fiber, so one can have the normal mac and cheese or cook pasta with finely chopped vegetables for a high-fiber snack for managing IBS symptoms. Bananas Bananas are a good snack item for people with IBS. Plus, it’s versatile enough that it can be made into a variety of snacks like smoothies, chips, and drinks with Greek yogurt.
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10 Protein-packed Snacks Kids Will Love

10 Protein-packed Snacks Kids Will Love

Proteins are an essential and vital nutrient and are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the human body. The body makes a majority of these amino acids but can’t produce a few, so eating protein-rich snacks is essential, especially for kids. The right amount of protein intake aids proper physical and mental growth and development. The nutrient helps build muscles, enzymes, skin, and hormones, along with helping produce hemoglobin. The required protein intake for kids depends on their age and weight. You can whip up these protein-rich snacks for kids to help meet their daily nutritional needs. Baked onion rings Along with being rich sources of protein, this crispy snack contains fiber and vitamin C, which are necessary nutrients for the body. This is one of the protein-rich snacks for kids that they won’t be able to say no to. Cottage cheese sandwich Now, who doesn’t love cheese? Cottage cheese has a high amount of calcium as well as proteins, so add a layer of cottage cheese with tomatoes or any other veggies your kid likes for a simple yet delicious sandwich that meets their protein requirements. Broccoli and cheese Blend cooked broccoli florets and add cheese and other ingredients like tomatoes (optional).
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9 Healthy Snacks for Diabetes

9 Healthy Snacks for Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition in which the blood sugar levels rise above normal, and it can be of two types: Type 1, wherein the body is unable to produce insulin, and Type 2, wherein the body produces insufficient insulin. Statistics reveal that 95% of diabetics have this type. Another type, called gestational diabetes, occurs during pregnancy. Eating healthy is important to manage the condition, and choosing the right foods can get difficult at times, especially if you’re looking for a snack. To make it easier, we’ve listed a few low-sugar snacks for diabetics. Low-sugar snacks for diabetics Almonds Almonds are a healthy, delicious and low-sugar snack for diabetics. Studies have also shown that eating around 50 grams of almonds daily for a period of four weeks helps reduce blood sugar levels by around 9 percent. Sweet potato You can slice sweet potatoes and toast the slices. Then, and add a topping of your choice and relish the nutritious treat at snack time. Barley and salad Boiled barley mixed with a salad makes for a nutritional snack for diabetics. Barley is a whole grain, so it’s rich in complex carbohydrates, along with several other essential nutrients. Roasted chickpeas Roasted chickpeas are a healthy crunchy-munchie you can enjoy at snack time without worrying about your sugar levels spiking.
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Important Dos and Don’ts of Keto

Important Dos and Don’ts of Keto

Keto, short for ketogenic diet, constitutes a low-carbohydrate diet that aims to get the maximum calories from fats and proteins. Although it’s basically implemented to lose weight, it is also suggested for certain medical conditions like epilepsy, brain diseases, heart diseases, and diabetes. That said, it’s best to consult a doctor before starting a particular diet. If you’re planning to take it up, you must know about a few dos and don’ts of keto dieting. Dos of keto dieting Stay hydrated Staying hydrated is an important aspect of being on a keto diet, as it helps flush out the toxins. So, drink more than the usual 8 to 10 glasses of water while following a ketogenic diet. Vegetables Vegetables like broccoli, cucumbers, kale, spinach are great additions to a keto diet meal plan as they have low carbohydrate content but are rich in nutrients. Oils You can use canola oil, olive oil, and palm oil to prepare your meals when on a keto diet. Coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil are other options for keto-friendly meal preparation, as they provide the fats required when on this diet. Animal protein Animal protein like bacon, eggs, meat, and fish are allowed on a keto diet, but you must always be mindful of the portions.
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10 Helpful Nutrition Tips for Schizophrenia Patients

10 Helpful Nutrition Tips for Schizophrenia Patients

Schizophrenia is a difficult condition to live with, but treatment helps relieve the symptoms to a certain extent. Additionally, several dietary tips for schizophrenia patients can help boost patients’ physical as well as mental health and well-being. These tips also aid in preventing the several complications associated with inadequate care and treatment for schizophrenia. Include fibrous foods Adequate intake of fiber helps schizophrenic patients, as it aids proper digestion and reduces LDL cholesterol, which elevates the risk of heart diseases. One can consume fibrous fruits and veggies, and whole-grain bread, brown rice, and muesli are also rich sources of fiber. Eat starchy foods It’s advisable for patients to include the recommended doses of starches in their daily meals by adding foods like pasta and potato rice. Preferably, potatoes should be cooked with the peels to meet the nutritional requirements for fiber. Get sufficient vitamin C intake One’s vitamin C intake should be adequate, as mental illnesses like schizophrenia often reduce vitamin C levels in the body. Studies have proved that vitamin C improves symptoms and reduces hallucinations. Drink fruit juices Plenty of fruit juices are beneficial for schizophrenia patients as they replenish their energy and also provide them with several essential nutrients.
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Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

Worst Foods for Breathing Issues

Breathing is something that is supposed to come easy and does not require a lot of effort. However, there are millions of people who suffer from breathing problems. COPD and asthma are two of the lung conditions that can cause breathing. It is important to consult with your doctor in order to find the appropriate treatment, whether that’s Stiolto (inhalation spray), Respimat (inhaler), or another treatment type. You may also need to change your diet. There are many foods that can cause you to experience breathing issues: 1. Acidic foods and drinks Your esophagus has a valve at the end of it. This valve is designed to seal so that the acid from your stomach does not go up into your throat. However, if the valve does not close properly, then you can suffer from an acid reflux. Your lung issues will increase if you have acid reflux. That is why it is important to avoid spicy foods, coffee, fruit juice and citrus. 2. Carbonated beverages Carbonated beverages can cause you to gain weight and feel bloated. This bloating and extra weight can put extra pressure on your lungs. These beverages aren’t healthy either because they are filled with empty calories and sugar.
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Superfoods to Help Prevent Diabetes

Superfoods to Help Prevent Diabetes

A superfood is defined as a nutrient-rich food that is supposed to be beneficial for your well-being and health. If you fill your diet with superfoods, you can reduce your risk of developing numerous illnesses. This includes diabetes. You will need to include the following foods in your diet: 1. Spinach Spinach is high in vitamins A, C, E and K. It is also high in potassium and calcium. Additionally, it is filled with fiber. This helps keep your blood sugar at a stable level. One of the many great things about this food is that it is low in calories. You can add it to your salad. You can also add it to your stews, soups and smoothies. 2. Cinnamon Cinnamon is a spice that can be used for baking. It can also be used in your cereal and oatmeal. It is great for helping you control your blood sugar. Some studies suggest that it can help curb insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone that your body needs in order to control blood sugar. There was a study done where people were asked to consume one to six grams of this spice for 40 days. The results of the study showed that the subjects were able to lower their blood sugar by 24 percent.
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Foods That May Cause Cancer

Foods That May Cause Cancer

Your chances of developing cancer are primarily influenced by your genetics and lifestyle. There is nothing that you can do about your genetics, and there are many kinds of cancer, including gist desmoid, adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML), breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, and more. However, you can take recommended medications like inlyta, zepzelca, relugolix, imfinzi, erleada, xtandi, avastin, kyprolis, ayvakit, gilteritnib, and tukysa prescribed by your doctor or adopt certain lifestyle changes that can help in cancer prevention. For instance, there are certain foods and drinks that are associated with increased chances of developing cancer, such as: 1. Processed and cured meat Processed meat includes sausage, hot dogs, meat jerky and cold cuts. You should limit your intake of these foods because they can increase the risk of cancer. Experts believe that the reason that this meat can increase the risk of cancer is because carcinogens are formed when meat is cooked at a high temperature. There are many substitutes available. For example, you can have salmon, tuna or hummus. 2. Sugary drinks or non-diet soda There are several ways that sugar can increase your risk of cancer. Sugar has a tendency to feed the cancerous cells in your body.
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Meals That May Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Meals That May Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Eczema, otherwise known as atopic dermatitis, is a condition caused by inflammation in the body that causes skin to become irritated, itchy, red, dry, flaky, or inflamed. This condition is typically caused by an overactive immune system and also occurs commonly in people with multiple allergies. Eczema can be triggered by certain irritants, including certain foods, so understanding what to look out for can be helpful in preventing eczema flare-ups from occurring. Here are six types of foods that may trigger eczema: 1. Fruit salads with a lot of citrus Although citrus fruit is delicious, people who are prone to eczema should try their best to avoid them. They contain an allergen called myroxylon pereirae, which is known to cause flare-ups in people with eczema. Since citrus fruits are capable of causing eczema outbreaks, those with the condition should avoid consuming grapefruits, lemons, and oranges. The sugar within these fruits can also be an irritant for people living with eczema and could be another contributing factor to flare-ups. 2. Dairy rich meals Consuming dairy products has also shown to be harmful to some people with eczema, particularly children and babies who may not be able to process milk; this commonly occurs in babies who are atopic (have a very reactive immune system).
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Foods to Help Prevent Cold and Flu

Foods to Help Prevent Cold and Flu

As the cold and flu season approaches, everyone fears that they might fall victim to the virus. They try to stay healthy and consistently wash their hands during the season. A good way of preventing this respiratory tract infection is by getting a seasonal vaccine each year. The symptoms of cold and flu are high fever, running nose, chills, body aches, sore throat, and cough. Some of the food you consume can help to prevent the illness. Here are five foods that can prevent cold and flu: 1. Add lemons to your water Lemons are rich in vitamin c, a water-soluble vitamin with anti-bacterial properties that boost the immune system. Also, they have potassium minerals that help in the regulation of blood pressure and allow the kidney to function properly. The kidney helps in eliminating waste matters from the blood. Thus, adding this plant’s juice into your water can boost your respiratory and immune system’s functionality, which can help to fight off cold or flu. 2. Consume chicken soup Chicken soup is rich in vitamin A and C, which can boost your immune system and fight viruses. Also, it contains proteins that provide amino acids, which are vital for building antibodies.
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